Friday 11 November 2016

Minimalism Soon Will Become a Necessity!

With the way things are changing, minimalism will cease to be just a spiritual path or style statement, it will become the need of the times

global warming, climate change, greenhouse gas emmisions, pollution, you name it and im sure you must have heard of it as these are some of the very grave issues the entire world is facing today.Mostly climate change is taken as a government or corporate policy issue where the emphasis is on enviroment friendly production methods and legislation to counter this menace. However, when studying the phenomenam the consumption patterns of the scoeity  also need to be taken into account.

How Many Gallons of Water is in a . . .

It takes an estimated 39,090 gallons of water to make a car. It's unclear if that includes the more 2,000 gallons used to make its tires--each tire takes 518 gallons to make. [1]

Pair of Jeans
It takes around 1,800 gallons of water to grow enough cotton to produce just one pair of regular ol' blue jeans. [2]
Cotton T-Shirt
Not as bad as jeans, it still takes a whopping 400 gallons of water to grow the cotton required for an ordinary cotton shirt.
Single Board of Lumber
5.4 gallons of water are used to grow enough wood for one lumber board. [3]
ndividual Bottled Water
This irony shouldn't be lost on anyone: it takes 1.85 gallons of water to manufacture the plastic for the bottle in the average commercial bottle of wate

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