Surat Al-Baqarah [verse 208] - O you who have believed, enter into Islam completely[and perfectly] and do not follow the footsteps of Satan.
Its in no way fair to make Islam sound ambiguous!!! as if it has loopholes for everything, from drinking to dancing, from suud to homosexuality! n if someone tries to clear this 'intentionally created' confusion, people spare not a second to label him/her as self righteous mullah, moulvi or ms.know it all!!
I was so disgusted by the Ramazan shows since last year that i had decided not to bother commenting on them but what little i have seen this time has left me extremely disgusted. Mature men dancing crazy at taraweeh time in the greed of a motorcycle, women and men pouncing on menial giveaways as if animals fighting over food, fully dressed(as if its their walima) female anchor sitting amongst a huge group of men (none of them can be called aalim considering the kind of shows they endorse and approve by their presence), and whats new is duet naats and musical qawallis that are distorting the image and spirit of our religion. and all this for a few bucks???? What is wrong with us? have we forgotten our graves and death? Do we intend to become immortal?? How could we act so senseless when Allah has made everything so clear?? So-called religious scholars are sitting and the audience is dancing and singing in front of them, using inappropriate language and gestures and they dont have the spine to stand up and object! Things have taken over values and righteousness. It appears as if this must be deen as none of the renowned scholars has spoken against it. Who are we to look towards if the torchbearers of religion have chosen darkness and ignorance for themselves, turning a blind eye to all wrongs because it pays them well. In one way, it is positive as now people themselves are making an effort to seek true understanding of deen rather than depend on the thekaydaars who would sell fatwas for halwa!

Is it funny how as soon as the shawwal moon is sighted, the media takes a 180 degree turn and indulges in all that it was condemning not a moment long ago. and to justify it all, it jokes that shaitaan has been released! what kind of sick people are we becoming! The same people who were a few hours ago, preaching you about how to become a good muslim, are dancing and singing to the tunes of the most 'hit' songs, indulging in activities you are quite sure are discouraged.

I fear if we are going back to the times of jihalat and it is being done so subliminally that you are surely in for a lot of criticism as soon as you speak against it!! People dont want to be labeled as fanatics, extremists, islamists, conservatives, fundamentalists, obsolete, backward and so to avoid these labels, they prefer to keep quiet. Many know whats right and wrong as clear as night and day but dont want to hurt their PR and networking and so, dont voice what is right (Sanu ki! they think) ,comforting themselves that its just that we are not condemning it, its not like we are doing it ourselves!
I think we need to voice what is right. Islam isnt so complicated that we dont know such basic dos and donts. Our intention is not to ridicule or belittle anyone but to talk about the real picture of Islam so that if anyone is really seeking guidance and is confused and lost, he comes to know that there is another perspective to all this drama too. Then its up to him how strong his thirst for hidayat is but even a sinful and nonpractising muslim can do so much. One can only pray for ones own self and for everyone else that we understand the true spirit of Islam and embrace it fully as Allah has so rightly demanded from the believers. We may struggle as we attempt this but it is our sincere struggle and intention that Allah will judge us on.
Amongst the greatest obligations are amr-bil-Ma’roof (ordering for acknowledged virtues) and nahi anil munkar (forbidding from sin). Allah (SWT) says: “And there should be a group amongst you who invite towards good, order for acknowledged virtues, forbid from sin and these it is that are the successful ones” (Ale Imran: 104).
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said: “How will it be for you when your women will commit sins and your youth will transgress and you will not order for acknowledged virtues nor forbid from sin? It was said to him: “Will that happen O messenger of Allah?” Then he (S.A.W.) said: Yes. Then he said: “How will it be for you when you order for sins and forbid from acknowledged virtues?” Then it was said to him: “O messenger of Allah(S.A.W.)! Will that happen?” Then he said: “Yes and worse than that how will it be for you when you perceive acknowledged virtue as sin and perceive sin as acknowledged virtue?” Indeed it has also reached from them (the ahlulbayt) – may peace be upon them – “Surely it is through ordering for acknowledged virtues that responsibilities stand ground, ideologies are safeguarded, earnings become permissible, oppression resisted, the earth inhabited, oppressed met with justice against oppressor and the people do not receive any good when they do not order for the acknowledged virtues nor forbid from sin nor co-operate in doing good. Hence, when they do not do that blessings withdraw, some of them over-power others and there is no aide for them in the earth nor in the sky.” |
Its in no way fair to make Islam sound ambiguous!!! as if it has loopholes for everything, from drinking to dancing, from suud to homosexuality! n if someone tries to clear this 'intentionally created' confusion, people spare not a second to label him/her as self righteous mullah, moulvi or ms.know it all!!
I was so disgusted by the Ramazan shows since last year that i had decided not to bother commenting on them but what little i have seen this time has left me extremely disgusted. Mature men dancing crazy at taraweeh time in the greed of a motorcycle, women and men pouncing on menial giveaways as if animals fighting over food, fully dressed(as if its their walima) female anchor sitting amongst a huge group of men (none of them can be called aalim considering the kind of shows they endorse and approve by their presence), and whats new is duet naats and musical qawallis that are distorting the image and spirit of our religion. and all this for a few bucks???? What is wrong with us? have we forgotten our graves and death? Do we intend to become immortal?? How could we act so senseless when Allah has made everything so clear?? So-called religious scholars are sitting and the audience is dancing and singing in front of them, using inappropriate language and gestures and they dont have the spine to stand up and object! Things have taken over values and righteousness. It appears as if this must be deen as none of the renowned scholars has spoken against it. Who are we to look towards if the torchbearers of religion have chosen darkness and ignorance for themselves, turning a blind eye to all wrongs because it pays them well. In one way, it is positive as now people themselves are making an effort to seek true understanding of deen rather than depend on the thekaydaars who would sell fatwas for halwa!

Is it funny how as soon as the shawwal moon is sighted, the media takes a 180 degree turn and indulges in all that it was condemning not a moment long ago. and to justify it all, it jokes that shaitaan has been released! what kind of sick people are we becoming! The same people who were a few hours ago, preaching you about how to become a good muslim, are dancing and singing to the tunes of the most 'hit' songs, indulging in activities you are quite sure are discouraged.

I fear if we are going back to the times of jihalat and it is being done so subliminally that you are surely in for a lot of criticism as soon as you speak against it!! People dont want to be labeled as fanatics, extremists, islamists, conservatives, fundamentalists, obsolete, backward and so to avoid these labels, they prefer to keep quiet. Many know whats right and wrong as clear as night and day but dont want to hurt their PR and networking and so, dont voice what is right (Sanu ki! they think) ,comforting themselves that its just that we are not condemning it, its not like we are doing it ourselves!

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