Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Bringing the world to the doorsteps of young minds! Books for Bannu

Here I am, sitting in doubt for the past 2 years, and there he was, not having just taken the plunge but full of hope and optimism for future no apparent reason at all:)

Asif Ali Khan did his mechatronic engineering from Malaysia but decided not to settle there; a decision many people disagree with, or fail to understand. But he was clear, he wanted to come back and do something for his community, for staying in Malaysia made him realize even more what his countrymen back home are missing; opportunities and facilities!

And so began 'Books for Bannu' a project that aims to provide the people of Bannu with books and resources to develop their skills and get access to the sea of opportunities and possibilities out there. Coming from a community where even basic necessities are compromised upon, buying books or paying membership for libraries is simply out of the question. In such circumstances, Books for Bannu is like an oasis in the desest. 'When i finished my studies, I thought to myself that if I stay here, I'll just be an engineer,but if I go back to my country and do something productive there, then my efforts might pave way for countless more engineers!'

Asif's dream is to establish a library in every union council of Bannu, making books available to people of underprivileged areas, to encourage the culture of reading and form a networking platform to mentor the youth regarding opportunities. He is used to people criticizing his idea, discouraging him, asking him what difference will this small effort make but he is clear in his resolve.' Our libraries will be open for all, be it farmers, hawkers or labourers. Education is the key solution to many social and economic issues in Pakistan and we all need to take it up as a cause, a movement!'

His eyes light up when he talks about Books for Bannu, you can see its his brainchild because of the fondness with which he talks about it. All he did was take a step, dared to dream and today he has support for his cause growing every day. He approached Darrusalam and they gave him a huge donation of books without much hassle. And people like me had questions, 'Didnt they suspect you for misleading them or tricking them? Didn't they mistrust you? How did they agree so easily!?' And that is how his journey has been. He didnt have funds to cargo his carton of books from Peshawar to Bannu but when he shared his cause with a coach driver, he agreed to deliver his goods free of charge!

And all that I learned was, when you take a step filled with sincerity and faith, divine powers join you, maybe they had been waiting for someone daring like you all along......only some choose to believe in them!!

He may be a mere drop in the ocean, but this drop may quench the thirst of knowledge for one child, open doors of possibilities for one person, change life of one individual and that is not a small achievement!

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Celebrating Differences, Richness and Diversity

He went to get lost and ended up finding more than he had bargained for!

As a young boy of age 19, Jimmy Nelson trekked the length of Tibet on foot and with this, his journey to lands far off and cultures much forgotten, began. Accompanied with a small camera, Jimmy documented the people that he met. Little did he know that this would become not only his profession but his passion for the rest of his life.
Jimmy Nelson travels to the remotest regions of the world and documents vanishing indigenous people in their traditional settings and attire. For him, it is a very personal thing, it is his way of showing them his respect and love, of admiring them for their richness of tradition and heritage, and perhaps of asking the same for himself; respect and acceptability for who he his and what he believes in.

While there is not much that holds similar between Jimmy and his photography subjects, he is able to communicate and befriend them in a matter of a few hours. How it happens? Well, giving a very visual and candid demonstration of the exercise, Jimmy said that whenever he would come across an indigenous tribe, he would immediately surrender before them as if he were helpless and weak, and they, strong and powerful. Giving such a message of vulnerability would completely ease off the once-threatened and once assured of establishing their supremacy, they are quite approachable and warm. There's more to it though, you have to exalt and glorify them in a way that they feel elated and dignified, which, according to Jimmy, is how they actually should too, for they are the few guardians left of this rich, mysterious lifestyle. All this is done with the use of any words, as language is a barrier between them, but with his behaviour and actions, Jimmy is able to bridge that barrier quite effectively.

According to Jimmy, indigenous people have mostly been shown in very negative light, as people who are uncultured, wild, barbarians, cannibals, while may perhaps be the most peaceful clan inhabiting this world, for they live as one with nature, they are in contact with their tradition and heritage and with themselves, which gives them a certain serenity, purity and harmony. He continues to say that very rarely have these people been shown in a beautiful and dignified manner and his book, Before  They Pass Away, has compiled with the sole purpose, of showing these cultures in their true light, in a dignified, iconographic way.

Whenever Jimmy goes out to search these lost cultures, he discovers more about himself too. For him, it is all very personal, very interlinked. When he glorifies and celebrates them, he is making a connection stronger and greater than a visual art piece. For him, the journey towards the photograph is as important as the photograph itself, or maybe more. What he achieves in the process of accomplishing a photograph is more precious to him than any material gain. How he is able to turn spearheads pointing down at him to eager faces wanting to be photographed is a tale you can never grow bore of. The same people, who a while ago, considered him a threat, are in a short time, holding reflectors to assist him in his photography. It all sounds quite beautiful, bringing it all down to being human, to admiring each other despite differences, to respect differences and celebrating the common values that we all have as humans.

Jimmy's book, Before They Pass Away, has won him international acclaim but the journey has just begun. He is a photographer with a bigger, deeper mission though, or why else did he travel all the way back to the tribe he photographed to show them the published book. Noone has ever made such an effort but for him, it was only fair to not treat his subjects as mere subjects of an artwork but as humans, with emotions, feelings and curiosity, who may not have any understanding of his work but by him making an effort to share it with them, may form a closer, deeper, beautiful connection of understanding and friendship, above and beyond all differences that hold them (and us) apart!

(the article is based on a talk by Jimmy Nelson as one of the speakers at Beaconhouse SOT event in Lahore, Pakistan)

to know more, follow this link

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Mission Educate Pakistan!

'The education crisis in Pakistan is serious, its big and it needs the educated to step up and own it!'
These were the words of Nadia Naviwala who was speaking at the Beaconhouse School of Tomorrow event on the topic of  'Pakistan's Education Crisis'.

Stating alarming facts and figures regarding the state of education in Pakistan, she shared her findings from extensive research from all provinces where the issues ranged from absent teachers and stagnating enrollment to deplorable standard of education. While the general belief is that not enough funds are allocated for the education sector in the country, it was both a relief and a disappointment to know that its not the amount of funds, but the way these funds are managed, that is the real problem! Relief because money can no longer be used as an excuse and disappointment because despite having funds, we are unable to deliver because of our lack of will and honesty.

When education is not a priority but treated as a mere political stunt to win elections, facts and figures become an eyewash, created only to look good on paper!

One of the major areas where the education budget is spent is on the salaries of teachers, which would've been a delight had those teachers been doing their jobs too! Sindh is on the forefront when it comes to rewarding teachers who don't even come to school, showing an absolute lack of political will and leadership!

While the picture may appear bleak, there are some positive steps being taken too as in KPK where the education graph is gradually showing progress, the vision of the education department farsighted and deep. With the emerging trend of private sector stepping up and assisting government in raising the standard of the public schools by either adopting them or partnering with them, there are still officials who are not looking to shy away from their responsibilities. When asked about his opinion of the private sector getting engaged with the public schools, the education minister of KPK said, 'It is 'my' job to fix the private schools and instead of handing it to someone else, I should be doing it. What else am I getting paid for!' and one does hope that this spirit is shared at all levels of the government throughout the country.

There are some very vital questions that we as a nation need to ask ourselves and arrive at a consensus for a shared vision when it comes to education in Pakistan.The future of Pakistan will not just be the elite, but also the neglected, illiterate and lost youth that is overlooked with convenience. Do we have a vision for what kind of citizens we want to become and live with or for us, Pakistan is only one segment of the society? Do we care if we see a child of school-going age out in the street? Are we ready to take responsibility for kids other than our own? Voicing these difficult questions, Nadia stated the example of Sweden where communities took it upon themselves to make sure that every child was going to school, getting quality education and why not,  as citizens it is only fair that we step up, fill gaps and not just identify problems but even become part of the solution!

Strangely, there is a very visible lack of interest of Pakistanis in Pakistan. Everyone feels that they have the option to leave, many have left, many are in the process of doing so and the rest, well, they are trying to get their hands on anything and everything they can, but with causes like TCF, Akhuwat and Nur Foundation, you see hope too, though its light may still be too bleak, needing many more to hold the beacons of unity and enlightenment.

Another aspect that I cannot stop thinking about is what exactly is education teaching us. If even after getting educated, we are dishonest, corrupt, insensitive, irresponsible and selfish, then what good has education brought us! If our teachers,clerks,, lawyers, doctors, ministers, leaders, all come from the same community of the 'educated' then wouldnt it be only fair to expect a certain degree of character and ethics from them. Where is our education system failing to instill these basic seeds of what it means to be truly educated!

If even after spending 7 years in a school, a child is unable to write his own name or read the word Pakistan, then we all, the educated, are guilty of a crime as big as murder for depriving a child from his right to education is like shutting doors of opportunities, growth, vision, empowerment and possibilities for him. Master Ayub may not have a campus to boast of, but he does have passion, sincerity and commitment to his cause and that is something we most essentially need, the rest will follow, I promise!

Friday, 11 November 2016

Minimalism Soon Will Become a Necessity!

With the way things are changing, minimalism will cease to be just a spiritual path or style statement, it will become the need of the times

global warming, climate change, greenhouse gas emmisions, pollution, you name it and im sure you must have heard of it as these are some of the very grave issues the entire world is facing today.Mostly climate change is taken as a government or corporate policy issue where the emphasis is on enviroment friendly production methods and legislation to counter this menace. However, when studying the phenomenam the consumption patterns of the scoeity  also need to be taken into account.

How Many Gallons of Water is in a . . .

It takes an estimated 39,090 gallons of water to make a car. It's unclear if that includes the more 2,000 gallons used to make its tires--each tire takes 518 gallons to make. [1]

Pair of Jeans
It takes around 1,800 gallons of water to grow enough cotton to produce just one pair of regular ol' blue jeans. [2]
Cotton T-Shirt
Not as bad as jeans, it still takes a whopping 400 gallons of water to grow the cotton required for an ordinary cotton shirt.
Single Board of Lumber
5.4 gallons of water are used to grow enough wood for one lumber board. [3]
ndividual Bottled Water
This irony shouldn't be lost on anyone: it takes 1.85 gallons of water to manufacture the plastic for the bottle in the average commercial bottle of wate

Thursday, 3 November 2016

What is the Point of Education!!!?

I had recently been done with rahbar when a friend invited me to talk to some students from low financial backgrounds, residing in a non-posh area. I couldve written less privileged background and saved time and words but that kind of equals privilege with wealth and I dont find that too right. I know its not a big deal, it gets the message across right? that those kids are less privileged meaning they have less assets, less opportunities for fun, lower quality of education but privilege is a wider term than this for me. For me, privilege is having a mind and a heart too, that both of us equally have, despite standing on opposite sides of the financial fence. So, I refuse to use this term to segment society into groups and it might do us good to rethink the words that we casually use in our conversation for the connotation they may carry might be totally out of line than what we intend to communicate.

Coming back to the topic, so my friend asked me to come and talk to those young, grade 2-8 graders about why they should seek education. It appeared that most of them had no interest in studies, thanks to the culture under which they were being taught. Living under a constant fear of ridicule, shame and punishment, the kids had lost their love for learning and found it burdening and boring. I was to reignite their love for education and I was totally clueless how I would do that.

As a brainstorming idea, I asked a group of friends why they sent their kids to school and I was responded to in the most humorous of ways:) 'To get some peace and quiet in our life' 'So that teachers also know what havoc these kids cause' 'So that they make a career for themselves and become independent' or the most outrageous one, my favorite, 'Why do you question everything? It has been the norm and it shall be the norm!'

While this was a fun discourse, it did make me realize one thing; we people dont like to think or question, it is too exhausting, too energy consuming. So we would rather go with the tide, not knowing or caring where the tide takes us, as long as everyone is going there;) for isolation freaks us out! Being left behind is one of our biggest fears!

Anyway, so not really knowing what I would say to the kids, I headed to the school. I could easily tell them that they could get great jobs if they sought education but I didnt want to undervalue education as a mere means of making money alone. While making a career is undoubtedly a great benefit of education, making one equipped enough to be an asset rather than a liability for his country, there had to be more  to it than that!

Saying a secret silent prayer, I entered the house-turned-into-school. Looking at the smiling,excited faces of the children put me at a little ease. Still clueless about what to say, I thought I'd throw the ball in their court and started off with the introductions. They were most keen to chat and talk, something I assumed wasnt too encouraged in their classrooms (same here) and then I got to the real matter,
'So do you like to study?' 'Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo,'came the loud reply.
'Why not?' 'It's boring!' It's tough!' came the replies
'Well, then do you like these volunteer teachers who have come to teach you?'(My friend had organized a 2 week workshop with those kids to encourage them to pursue education)
'Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees' came another loud reply
Do you know what they all have in common? and as they looked at me for an answer, I said, 'They are all educated.'
'Dont you like the way they talk, they smile, they care for you. How they know so much and share it all with you, how they dont use foul language, how courteous and polite they are, how well they carry themselves with grace and poise, well, education teaches you all that! Do you want to learn all this?'
And to my relief, there was a big yes,

As we talked, the children shared their dreams and aspirations, the conversation turning into an inspirational talk where the students shared their challenges and themselves discovered the ways to counter them. Sharing real life stories of legends to a topper in matriculation who used to sell fruits on a cart during his school years, the students and all of us there, realized how the power of dreams can turn the apparently impossible, into possible!

As I left, I said a secret prayer in my heart that may the dreams of those children take them to unimaginable heights and may they become examples of what it means to be 'truly educated' (ameen)

Children-Cinema is coming to Town!

It is not just about watching a movie, it is the entire experience! Coming out with your family or friends, chatting away as you wait for the show to begin, queuing up, observing the people around, being a responsible member of the hall and sharing the highs and lows of the movie, TOGETHER!

Rarely has there been much quality entertainment for the children of Pakistan. Most have to make do with a few parks, playlands but not much has been done for enhancing their creative abilities through the mediums of art and media. Fortunately, things are changing now. With a vision to promote education and positive social values through innovative learning opportunities among children and youth, The Little Art's child-centered programs of high quality aim to improve children's experience of learning, through the arts.

Using mediums as diverse as puppetry, theatre, painting, photography, workshops and film making, The Little Art gives an outlet to children to express themselves freely, exploring the diverse options of expression.

International Children's Film Festival is one of The Little Art's Landmark initiatives that brings to Pakistan, movies from around the world focused primarily on children. This year too, the 8th Lahore International Children’s Film Festival 2016 is celebrating the experience of global cinema for children in Pakistan.
Presenting 80 films from 26 countries, made for, by and about children, this is an event you wouldn't want to miss!!

For more details

Their Faces Tell Their Story!

(This is my take from a panel discussion with acid and oil burn victims of Depilex SmileAgain Foundation at the SHE Inspires 2016 event)

You think it doesn't happen, because thank God, it hasn't happened with you or anyone you personally know and also because you don't want to admit that it happens, it isn't a fact you want to own or accept but its true, very true!

Acid burning and kerosene oil burning incidents are a part of our everyday news. Jahaiz na lanay per bahu ko tail chirak k aag laga de! Who hasnt read such news but after twice or thrice, it has lost its novelty, there's nothing new about it. It happens all the time and strangely what happens all the time, becomes a norm of the society, even an act as barbarian as acid burning!

Sit for a while with a kerosene or acid burn victim and your entire perspective will be changed. The pain that a burn victim goes through is so intense and unbearable that many are unable to sustain the wounds and lose their life. Those who pull through, have a long battle ahead that awaits them, which is physical, psychological and social.

'My husband wanted to teach me a lesson. He splashed petrol on me and burned me because I had not brought enough dowry,'one victim said. 'I was in severe, unbearable pain. I wanted to die, wanted to kill myself, the pain was so terrible! My lips had melted in such away that I had no mouth. I had to go through multiple surgeries to get to a near-normal state! My neck is still being treated, if it weren't for Depilex SmileAgain foundation, I could've never afforded this expensive treatment.'

Founded in 2003, Depilex Smileagain Foundation is the brainchild of Musarrat Misbah, working on the treatment and rehabilitation of the victims of intentional acid and kerosene oil burning.

Shedding light on the causes of such incidents, she stated that, 'Mostly the reasons range from dowy issues, girl child birth, anger, frustration or mere means of pressure to convince someone to marry or punish her for refusing to but if you dig deep, it is actually a sick mindset that considers a woman worthless and weak enough to be subjected to all kinds of torture and pain without the slightest of shame or guilt! It is not just blatant ignorance but complete disregard of basic human values as well!'

Sharing her story, another victim said that her husband didnt work and that led to regular disputes between the couple. ' One day, as I was walking my daughter to school, my husband came from behind and threw acid on me. I have lost one eye due to this incident, not to forget the eternal scars on the skin and soul. But today, I stand strong. My Allah is with me and I am empowered enough to support my children myself!'

When one listens to such stories, one cant help thinking the vital role parents, especially mothers have to play in their child's upbringing for these men too, were raised by women, then how could they have such low value and regard for the womankind. 'We are definitely not bringing up our sons right,' Mussarat Misbah said,' We need to amend the flaws in our upbringing and build a pressure group for this cause, making our presence strong on the media, in the papers, on various platforms for mere laws are not enough if their implementation is not ensured. If the culprit is able to get away with his crime, how will rule of law be established and justice reign supreme!'

The treatment for a burn victim is very lengthy and painful, the path to recovery long and trying. She has to accept the face in the mirror as her own, although the marks on her face and body are a constant reminder of the horrendous act she suffered. The physical pain and discomfort continues for months, even years and sometimes, for life. The psychological trauma and social isolation make this a challenge for the victim to pull through and rise again.

Is it then fair to let this issue be buried underground and not be given due voice and attention? As responsible citizens, it is only fair that we raise our voice against this crime on all platforms and ensure that culprits of such heinous acts be punished so severely that they become a symbol of admonition for the rest of the world.